Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Alpacas of Malaysia

Hey guys. Back for more? Well, I'm gonna tell you about an animal I officially love. So cuddly and cute. Its the ALPACA <33 Gosh Do I love em'. Thank you so much to World Scholars Cup for introducing such a wonderful thing to us. HAHAHA. Actually, what I'm gonna talk about is World Scholars Cup. I'm sure you guys are all like, WTF is that? Seriously, check it up mann. Its just so awesome and I freakin' LOVE IT. The people in charge are awesomely crazy (fun at times) Bunnie, Danial, Zac, Grace, Don and whoever I didn't mention, YOU ROCK TOO ;DD. Gosh, I'm already missing it. It was so much fun y'know. We had like quizes, debates, some bowl thingy. It sound so lame and nerdy but its like so freaking awesome you may tend to cry after everything finished. But of course, we only went for the regionals and guess what? WE MADE IT TO THE WORLD FINALS!! Woohoo. Oh gosh, I'm too obessesed. Well, what we'll be doing next week is that we'll get to meet people from ALL AROUND THE WORLD. OMG, doesn't that sound exciting??? I just love it mann. Haihhhh, I'll be able to meet new people and like make friends with people from outside this country and stuff like that. I think I just jizzed :/ Oh well, it was some pretty good jizz. I'm actually writting this entry cause I can't freaking wait for the Finals. ZOMG, we get to go out of college! YAY. FUCK YOU debate seniors! I told you I was good enough. I won best debater for crying out loud and you still called me a loser -.-' You people and your talentless lives. Haih, what am I gonna do wiuth my hyper-self now? I can't sleep thinking about the Finals. Though all I can do right now is blog and blog and blog all night long. That's like setting a record for myself right? I've never had an entry THIS LONG. Its like longer than a girrafe's neck. Ehehe. See, I'm funny in many ways. So stop calling a buzzkill -.-' Yay. I should stop -.-'

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