Monday, June 21, 2010

Missing pieces.

Anis is back, babeyh!
 So.. its been quite a while hasn't it? 
Guess what? 
I've been at school this whole time! (Please, that statement wasn't in a joyful melody) 
Staying in an all-girls boarding school may sound fun, but seriously, it ain't
 (Okay, maybe it doesn't sound fun :p not if you're a girl it doesn't.)

Lets see..... owh yeah.. I was suppose t write something
to the title.

Have you ever seen a puzzle with missing pieces?
Could you understand the picture/story it was trying to tell you?

Well, that's pretty much it.
You DON'T get it.
My life is just like that.

No one can understand my life
cause it has a few missing pieces that I need to find.

Best friends? NEVER EXISTED.
Boyfriends? Don't even think about it.

Those are my missing pieces. Can't seem to get the right ones.
Every time I find a piece,
It just doesn't seem to match :\

Maybe it's me. 
Maybe it's the whole picture that's messed up.

Sadly, I don't have enough time to continue...
I'll try and find time to write more...
And to whoever is reading this.. Whether you're a friend or not
Please don't ask if the person I'm talking about is YOU.
Cause if you know/feel you did something wrong,
let the guilt eat you alive.

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