Saturday, February 20, 2010


My maths teacher is one of a kind..
She likes to stare at people for no bloody reason..
Are we that pwetty??
kidding. -.-

That one time.. our PKHem
(Penolong Kanan Hal Ekhwal Murid)
was walking around the school
making sure all the students and teachers are doing 
whatever it is their suppose to be doing.

When she came to our class, she basically turned into
The Hulk!

She couldn't stop staring at my math teacher who was 'doing her work'
in her UGLY laptop.

So the PKHem decided to come the next day 
and question us and stuff..
She kept on saying how wrong it was for the teacher to play her UGLY laptop
when she's supposed to be teaching us stuff..

After that day, our maths teacher didn't come for a week..
Rumours  had it that she got fired.
Some were crying, some were happy (:

But she came the next week ):
But instead of playing with her UGLY laptop,
she kept staring out the window
and everytime she got a message,
she'd laugh..

My friends said that they saw her in the teachers room 
looking at a half-naked dude's
So my friends caught her by surprise
and she slammed her UGLY laptop shut..

Whoah.... scary don'tcha think?
We are all scared of her now.
She gives us the stink eye when we talk about her..
Its like she can hear us from across the room or sumthing..
Oh well,thats it i guess..
Im so bored
kays.. byes

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